Since this is going to be my first post for 2010, allow me first to greet you a happy New Year!
After 2 months of inactivity on this blog, I’m back!
I just renewed my domain registration for this blog last week so I have a good reason to continue with my blogging activities for another year. I was also humbled by the fact that there were advertisers who contacted me with their intention to put their ads or link here even in those times when there were no activities on this blog. If I am going to accept advertisements on this blog, then I’m going to make sure that these advertisers should at least get their money’s worth. Then of course, there were fellow bloggers and visitors who continue to return to this site even though they knew that I will not be able to reciprocate the visit. These were my motivations when I decided to go back to my blogging activities.
If you are wondering what happened to this poor blogger, why I suddenly left without any warning, then allow me to bore you with my story. I guess I’ve mentioned before in this blog that I was able to acquire a property in Sta. Maria, Bulacan. Well, Donna and I moved to this new house last November 24. Unfortunately, we were met with various problems. First was the weak electricity in the subdivision that was not enough to operate any appliance. We had no television, refrigerator, electric fans or computer for a few weeks. When we were able to resolve the electricity problem, the computer won’t operate. It was only after the holidays that the computer was fixed. Looking for an Internet Service Provider was also a challenge. Since we are in a new subdivision, getting a wired broadband internet is out of the question. We were left with no options than wireless internet. We initially applied for the Globe WiMax service even before we moved to the new house but after a few weeks and various phone calls to their customer service number, we still don’t have an internet connection. What became clear to me is that they are not true to their word. Smartbro was another story. I had problems with their service in the past but they were always fast when it comes to processing applications. We applied for their service only last Saturday afternoon and we already have internet this Monday.
Well, those were now water under the bridge. We have a new year ahead of us that is worth celebrating. Of course, we should expect challenges in our ways. We just need to learn how to count our blessings. And be steadfast in our dreams…
That’s all for now… I’m really glad to be back. :) I can't wait to catch up with everyone!