Sunday, February 8, 2009

Another new look!

First was the new blog title, from “The Lion’s Den” to “Leomar’s Den”, then I bought a new domain from “” to “”. With all these successive changes at the start of the year, I felt it is but proper to change the over-all look of this blog as well. This is the impetus behind this new template.

I just hope that these changes will pave the way to something better, in terms of traffic and opportunities. Expect to see more changes on this blog, not only on the layout but on the contents. I have decided to post more personal thoughts as I struggle to share more of myself and my ideas on this blog.

This template was designed by FinalSense. I find the color more vibrant and more pleasing to the eye. It took a good 4 hours to move all the elements to this new template but I am happy with the result. I just hope that I did not miss any of my blogger friends’ URL on my blog list. If this will be the case, I apologize. Rest assured that it is not intentional. Simply buzz me and I will surely add your link on my blogroll.

So here is the new and reinvented Leomar’s Den!

1 comment:

GagayMD said...

wow! congrats leo..i like your new template!



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