Monday, October 6, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

This is something personal. Forgive me if I you think it’s cheesy to put my feelings into these pages but for this special day, I find myself obligated. And what the heck, this is my blog! I can write what I want… lol.

I have always been the one who forgot important dates, birthdays of friends and relatives and of course, monthsarys. But this is a date that I will never forget; Donna and I are celebrating our first year anniversary! Look, how time flies. I never thought that when I first laid eyes on her I would be looking at my future. Now, I can no longer imagine spending my life with somebody else…

We’ve been together for 12 months and I never even bought her a single flower. What a shame. The same thing as I was never vocal about how I appreciate the things that she’s done for me. We are together everyday but its funny how important words were never uttered. I never told her how special she is; I just assumed she already knows that. I never told her how she means to me… the truth is, she is my world. And I would gladly grow old with her...

MySpace Graphics

MySpace Graphics

Happy Anniversary, Bie!


Micawatson said...

Appreciation is very important to most woman. I personally demand, time, talks, special treatment from my hubby by telling me something special all most everyday. Yes, action speaks louder than word...Words melts the hearts of the woman too... This is just an advice...

Nancy Janiola said...

Oh how sweet is this of you, Leomar...Hope you two would remain strong and healthy for each other..have a safe weekend!


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