Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Keep your family safe.

As a family-oriented person, I worry too much on the safety of my family especially during these times when it seems that nobody is safe from criminals. Preserving our families and protecting our family members especially children are at the top of the list on many people’s concerns.

The evening news can attest to how criminals are just everywhere, and this includes sexual predators. And it seems that the government can not guarantee us safety from these bad elements of society. As the law enforcers are trying to tackle this critical issue, we can do our share to protect our family by keeping our vigilance and awareness. You can find out if there are sexual predators in your neighborhood by going to Megan’s Law. You will be able to access the complete list of sexual offenders in the US on this website and you can also get email alerts when a sex offender moves into your neighborhood. You can subscribe now and be aware of the danger that may exist in your area.

Remember that awareness can keep your family safe.

1 comment:

Zeee said...

Yup! there are a lot of these freaks around... hmmm nakakatakot talaga!


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