Thursday, May 22, 2008

Filipino kid is world champ in sport stacking.

Here’s another good news. A ten-year old Filipino boy grabbed two records at the World Sport Stacking Championships held in Denver, Colorado last April. His name is Steven Purugganan of LongMeadow, Massachusetts but with parents who are both Filipino-bloods.

This new sport, which is called sport stacking or speed stacking originated in Denver itself. It consists of stacking 12 regulation plastic cups in prearranged sequences in the fastest possible time.

Steven holds the record of 1.86 seconds in up-stacking and down-stacking the 3-3-3 sequence beating his own previous mark of 1.96 seconds. He also holds the record in the individual cycle in a time of only 6.21 seconds.

Wathc this amazing boy in action courtesy of

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